Proactive Assistance

Proactive Assistance

As AI models evolve, their role in proactively assisting users is becoming increasingly significant. Moving away from merely responding to individual queries, advanced AI is now capable of understanding ongoing projects and offering timely suggestions, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Project Management

A central aspect of proactive assistance involves utilizing AI for project management tasks. Rather than just answering questions, AI systems can:

  • Track project milestones
  • Send reminders for upcoming deadlines
  • Suggest resources or tools
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback

Example: Imagine an AI-based project management assistant that not only keeps track of your current milestones but also identifies potential bottlenecks in advance and recommends actions to mitigate them.


  • Increased Efficiency: By handling routine tasks, AI frees up human resources for more strategic activities.
  • Better Planning: AI can provide data-driven insights and forecasts, helping in better planning and resource allocation.

Context-Aware Collaboration

AI models with proactive assistance capabilities can maintain context over longer interactions. This means they can:

  • Remember past interactions and references
  • Provide continuity, making collaboration feel more seamless
  • Suggest follow-up actions based on previous conversations

Key Features

  1. Memory Retention: AI can remember previous queries and interactions, making it possible to continue complex dialogues over multiple sessions.
  2. Contextual Suggestions: By understanding the context, AI can offer relevant suggestions that align with the user's ongoing work.

Proactive Suggestions

One of the hallmark features of proactive assistance is the AI's ability to suggest actions without being explicitly prompted. By analyzing ongoing tasks, AI can:

  • Recommend next steps
  • Identify and suggest tools or resources
  • Alert users about potential risks and how to mitigate them

Step 1

Set up your project details within the AI system, including key milestones, deadlines, and required resources.

Step 2

Engage in regular interactions with the AI, providing updates and seeking advice on specific tasks.

Step 3

Allow the AI to analyze the project's progress and proactively offer suggestions and reminders.

Step 4

Act on the AI's suggestions to optimize workflow and ensure project success.

Examples in Practice

Coding Assistance

During a coding project, an AI with proactive assistance capabilities can:

  • Monitor the overall progress of the coding tasks
  • Suggest corrections or improvements
  • Offer snippets of code based on existing patterns

Research Projects

In a research setting, AI can:

  • Track literature reviews and remind researchers of relevant papers
  • Suggest methodologies for experiments
  • Provide continuous updates on newly published literature

John Shulman: "I'd really love to see better moving away from sort of one off queries, like using the model, kind of like a search engine, and more towards having a whole project that I'm doing in collaboration with the model." (Source)

Proactive assistance from AI represents a significant step forward in human-AI collaboration, allowing for more integrated and coherent interaction, and ensuring that the tools at our disposal work in harmony with our goals and needs.

Explore more about Improving Human Efficiency and how AI is reshaping our workflows.